Savvy Newsletter

How to Attract (and Retain) Your Best Customers...

...without wasting hours on social media or spending a mint on Facebook Ads

Savvy Newsletter: Better Living Through Email is a live workshop series all about how to stay connected with your current and future clients. How to engage with them authentically. And how to do it all for only an hour or two of work per week.

Registration is open until 9pm 4/27.

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Michael has reminded me that simpler is better when it comes to marketing my brand. By pointing new potential customers to a single landing page with one call to action, I reduce the potential of choice overload. It's brilliant!

I like Michael's direct and honest approach to communication, brainstorming new ideas, and his ability to see complicated things from a pragmatic and realistic perspective. He brings a view of my work that I can't see—and for than, I am grateful!

Michael Thomas Sunnarborg

Career Coach, Author, Relentless Optimist

For years, the standard marketing advice was "post on social media" and "give away value to prove your worth".

But the problem is, you've got no control over whether anyone ever sees your posts. You can spend hours a week posting, engaging, and commenting but end up with nothing to show for it.

Plus, if someone wants value, all they have to do is do a web search or watch a free video on YouTube. These days, giving off "value" can look just like "selling" which is a sure turn off to the people you most want to engage with.

What you really need for your business is this:

You need your current and future customers to remember you.

That's why you have a website and go to networking events with business cards in hand. So that they remember you and eventually will want to buy from you.

What if there was a different approach?

  • Imagine not worrying about social media "algorithms" ghosting your followers...
  • Imagine adding a utterly foolproof follow up system into your business...
  • Imagine leads turning into customers from just a couple of hours of work a week...

Do you think this could help you?

I don't have enough words to describe the difference that Michael has made in my business. I started working with Michael as the effects of COVID has started. My business was on a downward trajectory and he helped me to turn that around and MORE! I am doing things in my business that I didn't think I could do because of Michael, like creating a workshop and writing a book.

Trish Perry

PCC, Master Certified Results Coach

Michael is the creative spark that Business Owners need. Working with Michael was more of a partnership. He quickly assessed and identified strengths and opportunities in my practice. Then through communication, creativity, and accountability we executed! Creating a momentum of growth when many others were only looking to survive in an uncertain market. He was the spark for that growth, I'd highly recommend him, regardless if goal is short--term or long-term, he has tailored solutions.

Damian Lima

Financial Advisor - Edward Jones

Savvy Newsletter: Better Living Through Email

Perfect for coaches and consultants, small business owners, and storytellers.

You'll learn how to:

  • Follow up automatically with your best current and future customers (no more forgetting to reach out for 6 months at a stretch)
  • Confidently present your offers and easily discover which ones appeal to them most
    -- without sounding like an inauthentic used car sales-droid
  • Show up as an expert to your audience, every time you send. Perfect for any service oriented business model
  • Welcome new subscribers so they are excited to receive every newsletter you send
    (automatically build an engaged and excited community around you)

What's Inside "Savvy Newsletter"

Step by Step Support to Create your Next Four Newsletters

- Every workshop session you'll receive a step by step guide to write the text of your next newsletter and then receive feedback and support to make it better. You'll have everything you need to tailor these to your specific niche and audience.

The Unlimited Topics Framework
- This tool delivers you a lifetimes worth of topics for your newsletter. Each one appealing to your best customers. You'll have the confidence to know exactly what to say in each newsletter you write.

The Email Structure Cheatsheet
- The best newsletters follow a straightforward format that is easy to write and delightful to read. This cheatsheet takes you through the same simple and effective format that I follow in every one of my emails.

The Fearless Followup System
- This is the core of the workshop series. You'll learn how your newsletter can be used to reliably follow up with your entire audience.

Live Weekly Q&A Sessions + Email Support

Private Facebook Community (naturally)

Four Weeks of Workshop Sessions (Plus Valuable Bonuses): 👇👇👇

Week 1

  • Your Audience's Journey: How to show up for them on that journey and pique their interest in what you do
  • Unlimited Topics for Your Newsletter: Discovering you have much more to write about than you thought you did. This will save you lots of time in future
  • Plus: The most important job of your emails, finding your "writer's voice", newsletter frequency, and how to avoid being a spammer

Week 2

  • How to write an email newsletter your audience will want to read
  • Exactly how I write my own weekly emails. The whole process. All the tools. From beginning to end.
  • Plus: The problems with images in email and why being yourself can be your biggest, most powerful, asset

Week 3

  • The 9 Email Newsletter Archtypes. Benefits of each with examples to borrow and adapt from
  • What to do about (and think about) unsubscribers from your newsletter
  • Plus: Skipping the blog (and cases where it can actually help) and "hard teaching" vs "soft teaching"

Week 4

  • Welcoming new subscribers and re-activating old ones
  • Why you might want to segment, tag, or get triggered by your subscribers
  • Email Automations: What they are, why they are helpful, and examples you'll understand
  • Plus: My email tool recommendations plus which ones to avoid like the plague
Michael Helmke

Your Newsletter will become the most powerful tool in your business

I'm your host: Michael Helmke.

In this era of noisy social media and ads tracking you everywhere, there is still a simple and effective way to attract and delight your best customers: Email Newsletters.

I hope you'll join me (even if you're skeptical) in learning to turn your newsletter into the one that regularly inspires and excites your readers. Tips that won't make you sound like a used car salesperson nor bore your audience to sleep.

Over the last three years, my own email Newsletter has been one of the most powerful tools in growing my business. It's gotten me new clients, return clients, partnership opportunities and opened doors for me I never expected.

I can't wait to share how you can do this, too.

Register for Savvy Newsletter

Savvy Newsletter Live Workshop

Live Training to Uplevel Your Email Newsletter and Delight Your Audience

  • Four Workshop Sessions
  • Workshop Dates: Tuesday May 10th, 17th, 31st, June 7th - 11am CT or Wednesday May 11th, 18th, June 1st and June 8th at 4pm CT
  • Weekly Q&A Sessions
  • Private Facebook Group for on-demand questions and support
  • Video Replay Access for all workshop and Q&A sessions
  • Bonus #1: Newsletter Storytelling Bootcamp
  • Bonus #2: Subject Line Vault - My Top Subject Lines (With Commentary)
  • Bonus #3: The Happy Helper Integration Blueprint


Savvy Newsletter Buffet Pass

Everything in the Live Workshop plus three months of on-demand feedback, critiques, and suggestions for your Newsletter.

  • Everything in Savvy Newsletter Live Workshop
  • Workshop Dates: Tuesday May 10th, 17th, 31st, June 7th - 11am CT or Wednesday May 11th, 18th, June 1st and June 8th at 4pm CT
  • 90 Days of All-You-Can-Enjoy Email Reviews + Feedback.
  • On-demand access to receive feedback, ideas, and critiques for any email newsletters you write to your peeps.



What happens when I join?

When you join, you'll receive an email with the Zoom meeting link for the workshops, information about accessing the private Savvy Newsletter Facebook group as well as subsequent emails with more information as the workshop dates approach.

When is Savvy Newsletter?

The four workshop sessions in Savvy Newsletter are offered on the following Tuesdays and Wednesdays:

Tuesdays May 10th, 17th, 31st, June 7th at 11am CT
Wednesdays May 11th, 18th, June 1st and June 8th at 4pm CT

You are free to attend either sets of dates.

What if I can't make it to a workshop?

The workshop sessions will be recorded. They will be available in the form of an online course you will have no-cost access both during and after the workshop ends. Recordings of each workshop session should be available 2 to 3 days after the workshop.

Are there refunds?

If you’re not 100% satisfied with the workshops, the strategies, or the support after 30 days, I will offer you a full refund. You won't be asked to show any homework however we may ask for some additional questions so we can improve in future.

What If I have not emailed my newsletter list in a long time?

This is a perfect opportunity to change that. Not only will you get step by step help writing your next four newsletters, you'll receive examples of what to send to your audience to re-introduce yourself to them so they are excited to hear more from you.

What If My Newsletter List is Very Very Small?

There is a special (off the menu) bonus include with Savvy Newsletter that is just for you. You'll receive a lesson in a highly effective technique for getting your first batch newsletter subscribers quickly and easily.

If I'm not receiving enough opens, clicks, or engagement with my current newsletter, how will this workshop help fix that?

In almost all cases, audience engagement will be improved dramatically by aligning the newsletter with your audience's desires, simplifying messaging, consistent sending, and improved email delivery.

This workshop will walk you through all of those, giving you step by step assistance so you can create each newsletter more easily and have confidence that what you are sending is what your most engaged readers want to receive.

Will there be examples to help me write better newsletters?

Yes, there will be pointers to excellent newsletters to subscribe to as well as specific examples to illustrate different points.

Even better, you'll learn how to pull these examples apart to see how they are working and better apply them to your own writing.

I've been working with Michael for the last several years. The first job he did for me was a re-design of our company's primary web site. Michael has the rare ability to ask the right questions, the questions I wouldn't know to ask. This lead to a site that serves our company better than any other web site we've had in the last 20+ years.

Since the first site we've had Michael build 4 new landing pages that streamline the booking process of our educational shows. This has saved us time and money while making us look great in front of our clients. I've recommended Michael to several of my peers and each of them have reported very positive experiences working with Michael.

Art Grueneberger

Owner Puppet Art Theater Company

Michael is a joy to work with. As a total non-techie myself, being able to draw on Michael's expertise and talent when I need help is hugely valuable to our non-profit. He handles all three of our websites, and I have happily referred him to a couple of other nonprofits who now have established relationships with Michael. He works side by side with our program volunteers and our social media marketer to develop and implement new ideas, all of which helps us grow our donor base. For me, the best thing about Michael is that he is always responsive, and usually gets things done immediately. I totally recommend him to anyone who needs a tech partner.

Patti Jones

Sacramento Jazz Education Foundation

Satisfaction Guarantee

If you’re not 100% satisfied with the workshops, the strategies, or the support after 30 days, I will offer you a full refund, scouts honor.

Make your payment today, and you don’t even have to decide if you’re in for good! Take the full 30 days to experience the Savvy Newsletter vibe and THEN make a decision using the information YOU HAVE, rather than the information you don’t.

Offering this is a big risk on my part since this is a LIVE workshop plus super valuable Q&A sessions and the support in the Facebook group. However I believe that if I treat you fairly, you will do the same for me.

Here's the bottom line:

Starting an email newsletter isn't easy and it isn't most people's idea of fun. But here's the secret: When you do it right, when you really connect with your readers and share your authentic self with them, their response to you will make it all worthwhile.

Plus, once you start using the straightforward techniques I'll teach in this workshop, writing the newsletter will become easy. And probably even fun.

Email isn't going away any time soon and the current social networks all have a finite lifespan. Even the biggest social players are showing signs of weakness. But you'll always be able to reach your best customers through email. Why not start now?

Working with Michael gave me the boost I needed to take action on improving my prospecting and sales process. Michael helped me fine-tune the written copy on my website, and he coached me through the copywriting process for my LinkedIn profile. In my first week of working with Michael on my LinkedIn strategy, I was able to add more than 20 connections and start several conversations on LinkedIn.

The biggest benefit I got from working with Michael was the chance to spend time fine-tuning my sales copy 1-on-1, with Michael's ideas and expertise.

Ben Ratkey

Telescope Web Design

Michael cares about the success of his clients. His dedication to providing efficient, clear goals and solutions is wonderful. His integrity is in check. If he knows something would not have enough value for the buck, he will let you know. I’ll never hesitate to work with Michael. He’s a pleasure and gets the job done.

Chris Elwell

RETIRED Teacher // Life Tutor // Heritage Camp Admin

Savvy Newsletter: Better Living Through Email

A Four Part Workshop All About Attracting (and Retaining) Your Best Customers